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Types Of Depression In Men

What Are The Different Types Of Depression?
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How these types of depression affect our lives?
Depression is a disorder associated with anger, sadness, loss or frustration. It could be mild or severe (you need a long-term treatment, then). Some of the depressive conditions are caused by biologic or genetic factors.
A small number of them are –heredity, long-term stress, nutritional deficiency, lack of sleep, physical changes in the brain, social isolation, different types of medications etc.

Here Are The Most Common Types Of Depression

This list below is not offered for you to self diagnose!Talk to your doctor first!

1.Clinical Depression (known as a major depression or major disruptive disorder)

  • how people, feel, think and behave
  • if not treated can last for weeks, months, or yearsymptoms:

You meet difficulties to eat, study or sleep. Both physical and emotional problems may occur and sometimes you don’t see any reason to live. Concentrating and making decisions is a very tough task and you lose interest in your activities or hobbies.You may feel decreased energy and persistent aches or pain,  etc.
How to cure it: Use mind-body therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, massage.Hypothyroidism or anemia may have the same symptoms as depression!

2.Agitated Depression

It is typical for middle age to elderly patients but many younger people suffer from it, as well. The characteristics of agitate depression may vary from mild to quite severe. It often appears in conjunction with bipolar disorder.
What affects: The patients are not able to sit still and moving here and there, because of the huge amount of emotional energy.They complain a lot and feel themselves, as if are misunderstood by others.
  • pulling at the clothing
  • intense feelings and persistent thoughts
  • talking continuously
  • violent verbal behavior
  • irritability, restlessness and sleeplessness
  • hand wringing good news is agitated depression can be successfully treated.

3.Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression

Patients with manic depression change mood shifts from depression to mania and can be highly irritable for a week, feeling as if they are the most important people in the world.
What affects: affects both men and women and is found among people of all ages, races and social classes.
Lasts:persists throughout a lifetime (appears between ages 15 and 24)
  • inflating ego, increased energy, activity, and restlessness
  • aggressive behavior-racing thoughts and talk fast
  • get distracted easily-denial that anything is wrong
  • overly good, euphoric mood-can’t concentrate well
  • jump from one idea to another
  • little sleepn’t forget, early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment!

4.Dysthymia( known as a chronic depression or dysthymic depression )

This is a depression of the chronic type. It is similar to major depressive disorder (clinical depression), but less severe. People suffering with dysthymia are said to be in and out of depression for a period of two years.
What affects: people feel sad and melancholic
Lasts: for 2 years or more
  • you feel hopeless and have eating problems
  • weak concentration and lack of energy
  • fatigue and irregular sleeping pattern

5. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Probably you’ll find it strange, but some people get depressed during fall or winter and this is known as seasonal effective disorder. They become normal people when the depression season ends.
What affects: hits mainly young women who are living farther away from the equator
Lasts: within the season
Seasonal affective disorder exists in two types:
A.Winter depression
hopelessness and anxiety
loss of energy and oversleeping
loss of interest in different activities
appetite changes, weight gain
B. Summer depression
anxiety and insomnia
irritability and weight loss
poor appetite
increased sex drive
6. Atypical Depression
This kind of depression occurs in women and teenagers between 13-19 years of age and the patient with atypical depression can see that his/her mood improve if something positive happens. Many doctors claim, atypical depression is a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. As a whole, it is very difficult to live with someone who sometimes is hypersensitive emotionally or go into panic attacks very in mind the fact that atypical depression can co-exist with other diases!
What affects: people may gain weight or feelhungry, or feeling heaviness in their arms and legs
Lasts: if you change your lifestyle, symptoms of this disorder may disappear within weeks
  • oversleeping
  • meet difficulties with maintaining relationships
  • loss of interest in lifeand feelings of emptiness
  • conflicts with friends

Types Of Depression In Men

If you think that depression affects women rather than men you are wrong. No matter what is your age, ethnic background or gender- depression can hit anyone. Men suffer as often as women, but are less likely to ask for help.
Yes, depression is a real illness, but it can be treated. Keep in mind that when you are depressed, it doesn't have to hurt your family. You may have some personal or other difficulties, if you left it untreated. Don’t panic and don’t feel hopeless!

Men Are Affected Mainly By 3 Types Of Depression

a) major depressive disorder
b) dysthymia
c) bipolar disorder
Most of the men are affected from sleep disturbances and irritability rather than feelings of sadness or worthlessness. In contrast to women, men don’t want to ask for help or treatment. They choose alcohol or drugs, instead. Some of them become frustrated, irritable or discouraged, other men are taking risks, trying to hide their depression from themselves. But what you need to do is- to make a good diagnostic.

A Good Diagnostic Assessment Includes:

  • complete history of symptoms
  • asking about alcohol and drug use
  • whether there are thoughts about death or suicide
  • whether other family members have had a depressive illness (what treatments they may have received)
  • a mental status examination (to determine if speech, thought patterns, or memory has been affected)
The most important thing you can do when you have doubts for depression is to see your doctor for a diagnostic evaluation.

How To Heal All These Types Of Depression Naturally?

The most important thing  is to  CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING!